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Create Eye-Catching Spaces with Hardware that Sparkles

You may have heard “hardware is the jewelry of the home” at some point in your home design process. These days, hardware companies are living up to that phrase with jewel-like options that will make your cabinets and doors sparkle. Don’t underestimate the impact that hardware can have! Whether you love a traditional look or prefer something more modern, you have a chance to make a real statement. If you’re going for a more contemporary feel, you may want to make bolder choices when it comes to your hardware. Several brands offer crystal, glass, and gem hardware for those who want to steer away from traditional cabinet or architectural hardware. You can go luxe with higher-end pieces that are made with real crystal or opt for less expensive hardware that gives you the same look.

Door Hardware Want interior doors that stand out? Choosing jewel hardware is a surefire way to ensure your doors don't go unnoticed. Emtek and Rocky Mountain Hardware’s selections include door knobs made of glass or crystal in a variety of shapes.

Cabinet Hardware

Interested in adding color to your kitchen without painting your cabinets? Top Knobs offers various colors of their crystal cabinet knobs, including wine, blue, pink, and more, that add the subtle pop of color you want. Schaub & Company and Baldwin also incorporate crystal details in their hardware. Fancy something a little more posh? Creations by Alno uses real Swarovski crystals in their hardware for a truly wow effect.

Bathroom Accessories

Some homeowners prefer to keep most of the rooms in their homes traditional and choose the bathroom as the space where they are more adventurous in design, whether it’s with a patterned wallpaper or contemporary hardware. In addition to installing cabinet hardware, you can incorporate bathroom accessories with crystals. Creations by Alno includes Swarovski crystals in their towel holders, robe hooks, and tissue holders.


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